CBS News’ Mark Knoller has some good advice for those planning to read the 1,992-page immigration reform bill that moved forward in the Senate today by a vote of 84-15; you can skip straight ahead to page 845 and not miss anything. That must be where all the stuff about making border security the top priority was before they scribbled it out.
Unsurprisingly Cloture on the Motion to Proceed on Gang of 8 passes 82 to 15. Now @marcorubio's pal Chuck Shumer is doing a victory lap.—
DrewM (@DrewMTips) June 11, 2013
Sen. Chuck Shumer of the Gang of 8 isn’t the only one doing a victory lap. The totally non-political non-profit known as @BarackObama was celebrating as well.
Senate votes to move forward with #ImmigrationReform bill. Let's get this done, Congress. Do the right thing.—
Barack Obama (@BarackObama) June 11, 2013
Great progress made today: Senate overwhelmingly voted to bring #ImmigrationReform to debate. Let's fix this broken system.—
Barack Obama (@BarackObama) June 11, 2013
Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid hears music.
Speaker Boehner seems to acknowledge he needs the votes of Democrats to pass immigration reform. That's music to my ears.—
Senator Harry Reid (@SenatorReid) June 11, 2013
Pleased to see strong bipartisan vote in U.S. Senate toward passage of comprehensive immigration reform. We must get this done. #TimeIsNow—
Nancy Pelosi (@NancyPelosi) June 11, 2013
Sen. Marco Rubio, of course, was the GOP’s front man on the issue, appearing virtually everywhere to sell the plan to skeptical conservatives; however, the man who seemed to be on the short list for a 2016 run hasn’t impressed those who were counting on him to stand up to the wobbly D.C. establishment.
Immigration good for GOP? @marcorubio says "I think if people see Republicans as problem solvers…that puts us fully where we should be"—
Kelly O'Donnell (@KellyO) June 11, 2013
.@marcorubio says 80-plus votes to begin "a good sign that people are open-minded, that they're ready to do immigration reform."—
Kelly O'Donnell (@KellyO) June 11, 2013
Watch Rubio's video statement on Senate's 84-15 vote to begin debate on immigration bill:…—
Alex Conant (@AlexConant) June 11, 2013
Sen. Chuck Grassley’s tweets might not always be the most eloquent, but he wins with his brief analysis of where the country stands.
"People don't trust the govt to get this right." -Sen Grassley (R-IA) on #immigration reform—
David M. Drucker (@DavidMDrucker) June 11, 2013
On immigration reform or anything else, for that matter.
Senate immigration bill 1000 pgs. Like health care bill, it's big, complicated, easy to miss important details.—
Mike Enzi (@SenatorEnzi) June 11, 2013
I voted against motion to proceed to #Gangof8 bill. I think it is a bad vehicle for reforming immigration system.—
Mike Lee (@SenMikeLee) June 11, 2013
#Immigration bill has serious flaws needing serious revisions. Will work to pass conservative amndmts to improve it…—
Senator Deb Fischer (@SenatorFischer) June 11, 2013
While I welcome a debate on immigration reform, the current bill needs major changes before I could support it.…—
Senator Mike Johanns (@Mike_Johanns) June 11, 2013
Immigration reform legislation is promising, but more work is needed…—
Dean Heller (@SenDeanHeller) June 11, 2013
Some among the GOP expressed guarded enthusiasm for moving forward with debate, at least. Forgive us for not getting a thrill up the leg at the mere mention of the word “bipartisan,” though.
Senate agrees, by a vote of 82-15, to begin debate on Immigration Bill. This is good news. #immigrationreform—
Jeff Flake (@JeffFlake) June 11, 2013
Today's 84-15 vote in Senate = overwhelming bipartisan support for starting debate on #immigration reform—
Kelly Ayotte (@KellyAyotte) June 11, 2013
Sen. John Cornyn is arguing that something has to change.
Because the immigration status quo is unacceptable. We must do better “@KennethKPPowell: @JohnCornyn to vote "yes" today. Why?”—
(@JohnCornyn) June 11, 2013
But back to Rubio. Few expected more from the other members of the Gang of 8, but Rubio owns this legislation, and he’ll own the consequences.
Marco Rubio has been rolling downhill since that unfortunate night with the water bottle.—
Eric (@eriContrarian) June 11, 2013
Never understood the love affair with @marcorubio. He didn't do anything his first 2 years in office and now he's making a fool of himself.—
Derek Hunter (@derekahunter) June 11, 2013
It's amazing how being elected to Congress turns good people into "vote chasing" fools, case in point: Marco Rubio.. Losing Trust In Him.—
OneUSMarineRet (@MasterGuns1313) June 11, 2013
I still admire Rubio, but he got rolled three different ways with this immigration bill. Pretty sure Hillary will eat his lunch.—
John Nolte (@NolteNC) June 11, 2013
My 2 cents: Rubio well-intended AND ambitious. Schumer used to pass amnesty AND destroy 2016 chances. Dropped Rubio in maze he can't exit.—
John Nolte (@NolteNC) June 11, 2013
Not naive. Willingly corrupted. RT @NolteNC Marco Rubio: what a fall. Worst effect of this is how naïve he looks.—
Michelle Malkin (@michellemalkin) June 11, 2013
. @marcorubio Your immigration bill is a slap in the face to legal immigrants. Are you prepared to pay back the fees legal immigrants paid?—
Mary Forbes (@MaryForbes14) June 11, 2013
"'First comes legalization. Then come the measures to secure the border." – Marco Rubio cc @heritage #headdesk #tcot—
Gabriella Hoffman (@Gabby_Hoffman) June 11, 2013
Reagan did the same thing in 1986 @marcorubio #amnesty It did NOT work then, it won't work now.—
Keith (@KBurnham4) June 11, 2013
@IngrahamAngle @marcorubio @UnivisionNews @willstauff demonstrates he was lying all along. Great future in the #Dem party for little Marco.—
Georgia Satellite (@Geo_Satellite) June 11, 2013
@MarcoRubio won't make it out of his next primary. Sold out on immigration like he was channeling #McCain #tcot—
Rick Showers (@RickShowers) June 11, 2013
@marcorubio We expected it from McCain and Graham, but you sir, have let Conservatives down. You have handed a victory to progressives.—
bkeyser (@b_keyser) June 11, 2013
Ouch. Warren Buffett’s #45 hashtag welcoming Hillary Clinton to Twitter was bad enough last night, but #HillarySmiling is more than we can take.
This immig bill is another #Obamacare…promises of good things & efficiencies, chaos & calamity when it plays out. #HillarySmiling—
Laura Ingraham (@IngrahamAngle) June 11, 2013