Slowly but surely, CNN is catching on to what we’ve known for years: that maybe Obamacare isn’t such a good idea after all. Now, one of CNN’s investigative reporters has uncovered who’s responsible for making the ACA the law of the land:
In 2010 Senate Dems voted to support the Obamacare rule largely resp for some health insurance cancellation letters:…—
(@frates) October 31, 2013
Well, took him long enough.
"Let's do a quick fact check." CNN: "Senate Democrats supported rule that led to insurance cancellations"…—
Ellen Carmichael (@ellencarmichael) November 01, 2013
.@frates= breaking news at CNN. Scoop that Senate Dems supported rule that led to insurance cancellations…—
Josh Kraushaar (@HotlineJosh) November 01, 2013
Not exactly “breaking” to us. But hey, at least CNN’s willing to acknowledge that, yes, this is the Democrats’ fault:
Senate Democrats voted unanimously three years ago to support the Obamacare rule that is largely responsible for some of the health insurance cancellation letters that are going out.
In September 2010, Senate Republicans brought a resolution to the floor to block implementation of the grandfather rule, warning that it would result in canceled policies and violate President Barack Obama’s promise that people could keep their insurance if they liked it.
And guess what: The Republicans were right all along!
Senate Dems knew millions would receive cancellation notices, because they voted for it…—
Bill Murphy (@billmurphy) November 01, 2013
@SenatorShaheen voted against a GOP bill in 2010 to prevent the Obamcare rule now forcing insurers to cancel coverage…—
Drew Cline (@DrewHampshire) November 01, 2013
As Frates mentions in his report, Sens. Landrieu, Pryor, Hagan, and Begich also voted for Obamacare and are now calling for portions of the law to be delayed.
Wow… miscalculate much? RT @moelane: Good God.… CNN. CN Freaking N.—
Gerry LaMontagne (@gjlama94) November 01, 2013
That’s one way to put it. Another way: The Democrats lied.
Democrats 'had to lie' about #ObamaCare because Americans never would have accepted the real truth.—
Brad Dayspring (@BDayspring) November 01, 2013
We imagine Eric Boehlert is foaming at the mouth right about now, seeing CNN acknowledge that (a) people are indeed losing their coverage thanks to Obamacare, and (b) that the Democrats are responsible. Talking Points Memo’s Josh Marshall must be beside himself, too:
Curious that cancelations seem to be disproportionately hitting conservatives, wondering if it's an irs scandal type thing.—
Josh Marshall (@joshtpm) November 01, 2013
@joshtpm There was report of 800,000 in New jersey losing policies. That can't solely be Republicans.—
Robgoblin George (@RobGeorge) November 01, 2013
@RobGeorge I suspect that may be like the 300k non cancelations in fla—
Josh Marshall (@joshtpm) November 01, 2013
Good run of the reality of the Obanacare 'cancellation' debate. Must read if u want to understand the issue…—
Josh Marshall (@joshtpm) November 01, 2013
That “reality,” according to TPM, is that Obamacare is doing Americans a favor by forcing insurance companies to cancel their plans. Because the current plans don’t meet Obamacare’s high standards or something. Bull. The real reality is that with each passing day, more and more Americans are getting screwed by a law that Obama and the Democrats sold as a veritable life-saver.
Republicans tried to stop #ObamaCare from forcing you out of insurance you liked, Harry Reid & Co. blocked it in 2010…—
RB (@RBPundit) November 01, 2013
The Dems own this mess.
Democrats…how's that Kool-Aid tasting today? Amazing how this stuff comes out a year after the election!…—
george wrage (@webhed17) November 01, 2013
So, here's the tally: Obama and Democrats continually lied to millions of people.… #LikeItKeepIt—
RB (@RBPundit) November 01, 2013